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Daftar Sekolah Tinggi Fashion di Indonesia

 Daftar Sekolah Tinggi Fashion di Indonesia

les, indonesia, private, obras, guru, sekolah, belajar, yogyakarta, usaha, jogja, kursus, terbaik, batik, kaos, kebaya, jahit, baju jahit, mesin jahit, konveksi,  kursus menjahit
 Daftar Sekolah Tinggi Fashion di Indonesia

fashion school jakarta - Industri fashion di Indonesia berkembang sangat cepat, dikarenakan setiap orang tidak bisa lepas dari dunia fashion. Demi terciptanya industri fashion yang handal maka membutuhkan tenaga profesional yang benar-benar telah terlatih, memiliki pengetahuan tentang trend fashion terbaru dan memiliki keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk diaplikasikan di tempat kerja.  Permintaan untuk profesional yang terlatih di industri fashion telah menyebabkan pembentukan sejumlah lembaga fashion desain atau sekolah tinggi fashion di negeri ini. Setiap sekolah fashion memiliki identitasnya sendiri dan menawarkan fitur atau program yang berbeda yang dapat menarik minat para siswa, dibutuhkan pemikiran yang matang untuk memilih sekolah tinggi di bidang fashion sesuai bakat dan minat.

Berikut ini adalah daftar sekolah fashion di kota-kota besar di Indonesia :



Tempat Pelatihan Orang Mandiri

Pelatihan Jahit, Kaos, Tas, Bordir, Jilbab, Sulam Pita, Payet, Selimut, Bantal, Aneka Kreasi Flanel, Aplikasi Kain Perca, Batik, Daster, Bed Cover, Kebaya, Korden, Rajut, Sablon, Jahit Kucing/Anjing, Desain Baju


Kenapa memilih LPK Navita:

Belajar dengan menyenangkan
Minim ujian
Guru dididik secara khusus dengan pengalaman
Murid diberikan kebebasan
Minim sistem rangking
Menganut paham "less is more"
Menetapkan standart sendiri
Sesama LPK tidak bersaing, tidak memperebutkan murid untuk keuntungan
Lebih Cepat Selesai
Lebih  Cepat Meningkatkan Penghasilan
Lebih Banyak dicari di dunia kerja
Berpengalaman sejak 2003
Berpengalaman dalam Gugus Kendali Mutu Nasional 2009
Mesin Jahit Bordir Lengkap Kecil-Besar
GRATIS lebih dari 70 Modul Jahit Terbaik EBOOK senilai 500.000
Biaya Mulai 350rb/program
Tempat terjangkau(200m ke selatan Jalan Kusumanegara)
Disediakan asrama bagi yang berasal luar kota yogya
Terima Order Jahitan Partai Besar/Kecil

Glagah Uh4/196
Warungboto Umbulharjo yogyakarta

buka cabang di sleman :

Perum Sidoarum Blok III Jl. Kepodang S-42
Godean Sleman Yogyakarta
HP. 085740028487

pin BB 75F08617


1. Esmod Jakarta

Jl. Asem II No.3 – 5 Cipete, Jakarta Selatan 12410
Jakarta – Indonesia
Phone (62-21) 7659181-82 / 7659089
Fax. (62-21) 7657517
Email : marketing@esmodjakarta.com

2. LaSalle College International Jakarta

Sahid Office Boutique (Unit D – F)
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.86, Jakarta Pusat 10220
Phone (021) 57851819
Fax (021) 57851820
Email : infojkt@lasallecollege.ac.id

3. Akademi Seni Rupa & Design ISWI (Ikatan Sarjana Wanita Indonesia)

Taman Modern Cakung,
Jl. Dahlia Block E No.6, Jakarta Timur 13960
No. Fax. (021) 4616103
No. Telepon. (021) 4616103 / 4616102

4. Sekolah Mode Busana Budihardjo

Jl. Limau No.42, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12130
No. Fax.(021) 7245783
No. Telepon.(021) 7245783 / 7243221

5. LPTB Susan Budihardjo

Jl. Cikini Raya No.58 FF – GG, Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 3140575
Fax. (021) 323526

6. Bunka (So-En) School of Fashion

Jl. Pembangunan III/14C, Jakarta Pusat
Telp: (021) 6335759

7. Phalie Studio

Jl. Gading Indah Raya, Blok C21
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240
Telp. (021) 92983700 / 71681045

8. Harry Dharsono Couture

Jl. Cilandak Tengah 71
Jakarta Selatan

9. Indonesia International Fashion Institute (IIFI) –  Sekolah Mode Poppy Dharsono

Plaza 5 Pondok Indah Blok B-9.
Jl. Margaguna, Kebayoran Baru. Jakarta Selatan 12130
Telp : (021) 72788701-03
Fax : (021) 72788689
Email : iifi@centrin.net.id

10. Sekolah Tinggi Desain Interstudi

Kampus STDI
Jl. Kapten Tendean No.2, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 71793985
Fax. (021) 71790477

11. Lembaga Kursus Tata Busana Wiwi

Jl. KH.Agus Salim No.30 / 8
Jakarta Pusat 10340
Telp : ( 021) 3102936 / 3921978
Fax : ( 021 ) 31927651
Email : clard@dnet.net.id


Sekolah Privat Mode & Teknik Menjahit Busana Halus
Jl. Mampang Prapatan XVIII No.102,
Komplek Keuangan, Duren Tiga, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 12760
Phone : (021) 7984794 / 7983506
Mobile : 08158885441
E-mail : info@ikkis.net

13. Eileen Collection

Telp: (021) 3906493
Mobile: 08121397367

14. Juliana Jaya

Jl Bekasi Raya Km 19/10
Jakarta 13920
Telp: (021) 4241494 / 46827191

15. Sanly's Fashion

Jl Tanjung Duren Raya No 29B
Jakarta Barat
Telp: (021) 5632710

16. IKJ Fashion Design

Kompleks Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jl. Cikini Raya No. 73
Jakarta Pusat 10330

Ph : 021 3901965, 3929205
Fax : 021 - 3915225


1. Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI)

Jl. Buah Batu no.212, Bandung 40265
Telp: (022) 7314982 / 7394532

2. Telkom Creative Industries School (Fakultas Industri Kreatif), Universitas Telkom

Jl. Soekarno-Hatta 581 Bandung 40275
Telp/Fax : (022) 7306211 / 7306228
Mobile : 081322852228

3. Sekolah Mode Lina Lea

Jl. Dr Saleh 4, Bandung 40131
Phone: (022) 2035008

4. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil
Jl. Jakarta No. 31, Bandung 40272
Telp : 022-7272580, Fax : 022-7271694, E-mail : info@stttekstil.ac.id
web: http://stttekstil.ac.id/


1. Arva School of Fashion

Sambas No.16, Surabaya
Telp: (031) 5672537
Email : info@arvaschooloffashion.com

2. Raffles College - Surabaya

Wisma BII 12th Floor JL.  Pemuda No. 60 - 70 Surabaya 60271
Phone    : +62 31 5327084


1. Dolling School of Fashion Design

Kursus Fashion Design, Sulam, Dll.
Jl. Prapat no.42 Medan
Telp: (061) 4517364 / 4520731

2. Raffles College

Kompleks Centre Point,Jl. Timor Blok J No V-VI, Medan 20231 Indonesia
Phone    : +62 61 75250390

Fashion Design & Creation | 2nd Year

Now Open for
Applications '16
fashion is my

Fashion Design
& Pattern Drafting
1 Year Intensive Program

Fashion Business
3 Year Full College Program

Fashion Design
& Creation
3 Year Full College Program

Short Courses
Taught by professionals
for beginners and experts
Why Choose ESMOD Jakarta
Be individuals together

To be in fashion is to be a misfit. We encourage standing out. Make friends for life with like minded, unique individuals & inspire each other on and off ESMOD Jakarta’s campus.
The world is your canvas

With more than 20 schools world-wide and with firm ties to the industry, your network in fashion will be unparalleled. The door to international artistry is open at ESMOD Jakarta.
​Create your own legacy

For 175 years we have been pioneers in fashion. Be part of history by learning from the best. Let ESMOD Jakarta help you find your unique voice and start your own legacy in fashion.
as taught by ESMOD Jakarta
Pattern Drafting Technique

A core competence for any fashion designer is to be able to bring a sketch to life by 'pattern drafting'. In general, pattern drafting means you sketch your vision, and from there you create patterns. The patterns you cut from simple cloth (blacu) and sew together as one garment or piece of garment. And finally apply the garments to fit on a live model.

Moulage Technique

Design by moulage, or molding, involves sketching a fashion design and applying the outlines of your design to a mannequin. After applying the basic fabric on the mannequin you shape and cut it. When satisfied with the results you will take off the shapes and trace them in detail. Then you'll have the pieces of your fashion creation.

Upcoming Events



Upcoming Programs
September ’16 - Fashion Design & Pattern Drafting
September ’16 - International Fashion Business
September ’16 - Fashion Design & Creation

Fashion Design

Fashion Design at Lasalle College is the study path to stay ahead in one of the most competitive and fastest changing global industries.

This program will prepare you for the fashion industry and equip you with the necessary skills of an innovative professional as a designer and/or patternmaker. The course curriculum is a reflection of the diversity of the fashion world, and will familiarize you with all the various aspects. In the Fashion Design program students will cover theoretical and academic classes as well as the creative and practical process of successfully producing original collections in world where it is required to stay ahead of the continual changing of styles and trends.

With state of the art equipment and facilities; strong ties with the industry; and lecturers with extensive experience in the field and a solid curriculum, the fashion design program at LaSalle College is the perfect study path for every aspiring designer.

Dengan adanya informasi yang kami sajikan tentang fashion school jakarta

, harapan kami semoga anda dapat terbantu dan menjadi sebuah rujukan anda. Atau juga anda bisa melihat referensi lain kami juga yang lain dimana tidak kalah bagusnya tentang The world of fashion starts here

. Sekian dan kami ucapkan terima kasih atas kunjungannya.
buka mesin jahit : http://www.print-tekstil.com/2014/02/daftar-sekolah-tinggi-fashion-di.html

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